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Southeastern Companies with Sabbaticals (4 posts) (3 voices)

  1. What are some good examples of companies in the Southeast with sabbatical programs that I could hold up to my employer as proof of the power of time away from work?

  2. Ah, great question. Some that come to mind: Hotel Equities; Alston & Bird; Abacus Planning Group; AppRiver; Hopping Green and Sams; and the William Mills Agency. Check out yS's "Workplaces for Sabbaticals" list for others (

  3. Elizabeth -
    Do you know if Blackbaud has a sabbatical program, or not? This is a Charleston, SC -based company with about 200o employees. Thanks!

  4. John - Blackbaud's a cool company, but they do not have a sabbatical program as far as we are aware. Thanks for the post. If you find out differently, please let us know!


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