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Forced Sabbatical Work: Investigate A New Career

Since you lost your job, are you romantizing about becoming an organic farmer? Think your kitchen talents might land you on The Food Network?

Oh I see, you figure your creative spirit is meant to design cool new buildings.   Being an architect WAS cool - two years ago when it made it (barely) into the 2007 list of Best Careers.  Now it’s on the list of 2009 Overrated Careers.

From an individual’s perspective, a career once chosen may simply use us up, wear us out or for some unexplained reason go from one we loved to one we just don’t love so much anymore.

If your job vanished, free time is your perk. So, grab a cup of tea and have a seat so we can dialogue about this critical issue for your long term happiness and career satisfaction.

Here’s my question:  Why would you -Bing-Bang- keep knocking on the door of a career that doesn’t fit anymore?

Your answer here:

Oh, okay. Sorry. I didn’t know that your heart still zooms when you think about adding up numerical columns.  Sure then, you should stay in accounting.

On the other hand, teeny weeny doubts about just how happy you really were back at that job you once loved might mean your-once-hot-career choice is over …. or should be.

Changing careers is a little like changing a life partner - it hurts. Want me to tell you it could be the best thing that ever happened to you?  (I could but first why don’t you check this year’s list of Over-Rated Careers, just in case yours is on it.)

  1. Advertising Executive
  2. Architect
  3. Attorney
  4. Chef
  5. Chiropractor
  6. Farmer
  7. Medical Scientist
  8. Nonprofit Manager
  9. Physician
  10. Police Officer
  11. Professor
  12. Small Business Owner
  13. Teacher

Being in an overrated career isn’t necessarily a bad thing - just as long as you love, love, love it.  So, do you or don’t you?

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